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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Rev:


* That's the magic number.


* Come May 11th, 2015, 50+1% of the Guyanese electorate will be excited and stimulated, while 50-1% will be peeved and agitated.


* But that's life! It's impossible for 100% of the people to be happy and contented 100% of the time.


* The PPP is guaranteed 50+1% ---give those PPP folks credit----they know how to win elections.


* As you are all aware, the PPP has never lost a free and fair election in Guyana.


* Congrats to the 50+1% who voted for the PPP----you made a wise choice.



The PPP lost the 2011 election,the opposition was the

majority winner.

2011 was an anomaly, the Indo youth expected the Afro youth to join them in the 3rd force, AFC.  It turned to be a mirage so now everybody gone back "home".

Some of the die hard Indo gone back to Indian Party,

in roads have been made in the areas of flexible Indo,

what is lost is gained.Any Indo who believes the PPP

will win by the Indo votes alone is in dreamland. "kapish"

Nah, the PPP also winning other ethnic votes and some Afros.  All in all, they will come in at 54%

Bhai that 54% don't jive,have you factoring that

total Indo population are down to 39%,looks like

them box going to be stuffed,maybe that is the

reason honorable Carter decided to go down there.
