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Originally Posted by Rev:

* The most vile and vulgar politician in Guyana today is Moses Nagamootoo.


* Infact, bitter Moses is so rude and disgusting that the PPP has chosen not to have Guyana's next Prime Minister, the decent and respectable Elizabeth Harper, stand on the same platform and debate the depraved and despicable Moses.


* Now! Many of the PNC/AFC supporters on GNI have borrowed a page from Moses book and these filthy and wretched GNI souls take great pride in being vile, vulgar and offensive. No need to call then out. We all know who they are.





What makes a pervert like you capable of making the evaluation as to who is vulgar or vile? Did Moses brag about his dildo collection or his proficiency at cunnilingus?  His comment that the lady cannot claim to be qualified for the position of prime minister on account she needs to speak to domestic violence is on target.


She qualified it later by her stupid remark that Jagdeo's abuse of Varshnie is a private matter. That you stupidly grab for this as a toe hold to leverage abuse against the gentleman is indicative of you depraved immoral existence.


You obviously did not get much guidance on honesty, integrity and discipline growing up. You either were born on the asperger spectrum  or is simply mentally damaged and vile. No one goes out to malign another on spurious  claims unless they are a natural arse hole.


That you are as you are and yet insist others here are your lesser means you are among the biggest moron that ever graced this forum. Now go sit on one of your dildos and ease your mind.

Last edited by Former Member