* There is simply not enough DIRTY INDIANS in Guyana to prevent the PPP from winning their 6th consecutive general election since 1992.
* You'll find numerous dirty ones in region 11(NY) and region 12(Toronto), but there aren't enough dirty ones in regions 1 thru 10 to bring the PNC into power.
* The TALKERS and blabbermouths on GNI can whine and scream all they want, they are quite good at it, but come May 11th 50+1% of the Guyana electorate will re-elect the PPP.
The Dirty Indians are willing to sell their offsprings to the PNC for twelve pieces of silver.
One cannot help you with the bad choices in your past. Just keep your pessimism to your self. We know the world is holding itself together with good over evil because order still prevails in most places.
* You need to do yourself a favor and take a break from this forum after your beloved PNC is soundly defeated on May 11th.
What does the election have with me being on this board or not and who are you to tell me when I should leave or not? I was here the day it came on line and will leave when I am off line.
Also, where is my advocacy for the PNC? It is about what is best for my country and clearly against those vile thieves in the PPP that you support. Obviously you feel a kinship to crooks.
And what benefit and to whom is that ceaseless verbal diarrhea you dispense? If there is a useless time waster and blabber mouth here, you fit the template precisely.
Again, who told you list making is the best way to convey information? Surely not any school else English 101 would be about making good lists. Further, your 64 color spectrum of crayola text do not add to their information content. They simply highlight the fact you write the same serial nonsense over and over.
I do indeed you are on the asperger spectrum. Sensible people do not go about communicating as your do and still think they are of above a par with the use of language. It points to delusion of a peculiar sort.