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Later down I would hear other cruel rumours, but the worst had to be this year after the Lusignan  Massacre when I was requested by the families of the victims to organise a peace rally, which never materialised. 

I met the Leader of the Opposition Mr Corbin and his wife in the yard of one of the victims’ the day after the tragedy.  He shook my hand, introduced me to his wife and told me to keep up the good work as I am helping everyone and not to let anything prevent me from doing so.  I thanked them for coming and they left. 

By that evening the propaganda was in full effect, the word on the street was that I am collaborating with the PNC and Mr CN Sharma to bring down the Government and organising a protest march.  I was oblivious to this until 2 friends of the President came to the wake where I was meeting the families and informed me that this was the case and they had come to find out if this was true.   
