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By Ralph Ramkarran


It required the renowned stature and nuanced diplomatic skills of President Carter to negotiate the necessary concessions that would guarantee free and fair elections. President Carter’s name will remain forever associated with Guyana’s democracy.

Hoyte welcomed President and Mrs. Carter during a visit to Guyana ...

 After the 1992 elections

the Carter Centre

assisted in preparing

the National Development Strategy

Speech delivered by Dr. Cheddi Jagan at swearing-in ceremony on ...


which was launched by

President Jagan on January 6, 1997.




In 2000

when Jagdeo became President he Cancelled

the Jagan/Carter Development Plan 


Why Jagdeo scrap

De Jagan/Carter Plan

National Development Stratergy????


Jagdeo wanted to

Kill Transperancy in Govt

and Promote Thiefing.



Having invested a great deal of time and money

to get the NDS prepared and accepted,

and having seen its abandonment after 2000

by a Crook & Thief,

may have contributed to

President Carter’s

negative assessment about Guyana

which he expressed in 2004.




In 2004

President Carter visited Guyana

for the last time at the invitation of President Jagdeo.

He had wide consultations

in an effort to resolve

the political problems confronting Guyana,

as so many have tried to do in the past.

... the swearing in of Dr. Jagan as Guyana’s third Executive President

On leaving Guyana, President Carter said:

Instead of achieving this crucial goal

of inclusive and shared governance,

the Guyanese Government remains divided

with a winner-take-all concept

that continues to polarize

many aspects of the nation’s life…


There are only spasmodic meetings

between political leaders

and publicized agreements

between those rare and brief sessions

have not been fulfilled.”


With Cheddi

He recommended substantive governance and

electoral reforms and

the formation of an independent civil society forum

to lead a structured discussion

on a vision of governance for Guyana

to promote reconciliation

in an ethnically divided landscape.

President Donald Ramotar[l) and former President Bharrat Jagdeo[r)

President Carter’s views found no favour

with the government or the PPP and

the Carter Centre thereafter disengaged from Guyana.



In 2010

the late Winston Murray, a PNCR leader and MP,

attempted to rescue the NDS from oblivion

and re-introduce it into the national discourse.

He tabled a motion in the National Assembly

for its revision by a Special Select Committee.

 Winston Murray, flanked by Dr Richard Van West Charles [left) and ...

The Jagdeo Government rejected his argument

and amended the motion,

which was passed,

to refer the NDS to the Ministry of Finance for revision.

It was so referred and no one has since heard of it.


Jagdeo Claim

he is following

Cheddi Jagan's Plan....


President Carter & President Jagan

Developed the National Development Stratergy


Why Jagdeo scrap

De Jagan/Carter Plan

National Development Stratergy????


Jagdeo wanted to

Kill Transperancy in Govt

and Promote Thiefing.




President Carter would be aware

of the deteriorating political realities in Guyana

after the 2011 elections.

The loss of the majority by the PPP

and the formation of a minority government,

which has tried to cling to office for three plus years,

have led to gridlock,

lack of progress and frustration.


Instead of forming a coalition government

which would have aided national unity

and result in much progress,

the government has steadfastly resisted

any such approach

and stubbornly held on to the winner-take-all policy,

about which President Carter complained.

President Cheddi Jagan being congratulated by out-going former ...



2015 May 11th

With this background,

it is not known what President Carter

expects the outcome of his visit to be.

His engagement with Guyana

and the investment in time and money

that the Carter Centre has made,

suggest that his visit could involve a bit more

than mere observing of the elections.

 President Carter Speaks Out on Wall Street

It could well be that

he recognizes its uncertain outcome

and that he wishes to make an input

in restraining any negative reactions to the results,

whatever they are.


President Carter’s presence can also

potentially lead to new political realities,

whichever party wins.

His message of 2004

is still powerfully resonant today.

Hopefully, this true friend of Guyana

may still find a way,

without interfering,

about which he is always careful,

to reinforce that message.

Jimmy Carter

AFC-APNU welcome

President Carter to Guyana




Last edited by Former Member