RE: " INANE postings of manic PPP supporters"
* Lemme be blunt!
* The Rev is a man who speaks his mind----and sometimes I make a fool of myself---I'm not ashamed to admit that----Rev makes a FOOL of himself sometimes----actually you PNC supporters will vehemently disagree---according to you Rev makes a fool of himself all the time with his inane(tm antabanta) and meaningless noises that he tries to pass as intelligent conversation.
* People who are independent thinkers like the Rev are never afraid to expose their ideas and thoughts to ridicule and controversy.
* The DIRTY INDIANS will always perceive the Rev to be a crackpot. That is their prerogative.
The Rev harbors zero animosity for those who despise him and his inane(tm antabanta) ideas.
Dude you think like a think like a dumb assed racist. Independent thinking does not reduce itself to a pilfered cartoon a post and colorized text. It means you articulate a point by arguing its merit. Instead, you labor to find stupid ways to convey how nasty a bigot you are. It is your only rationale for voting one way rather than another.