The Rev will briefly explain why the APNU + AFC Coalition failed
* You see folks, the APNU + AFC coalition was always a MASK.
* Actually,in life every FALSEHOOD is a MASK.
* And no doubt about it---APNU + AFC was a FALSEHOOD----therefore the coalition was a MASK.
* Now! With any MASK---no matter how well it fits---all it takes is a little examination to reveal the true face.
* Coming back to the APNU + AFC coalition---all it took was a little examination by the Guyanese voters---and the true face of the APNU + AFC coalition was revealed----they were really the PNC.
*And once the Guyanese electorate understood that APNU + AFC was a MASK hiding the PNC---(50+1)% made the wise decision to re-elect incumbent Donald Ramotar.
* How many of you understand what I just wrote ? Only the PPP supporters would.