How do you know that 27% of mixed and 70% of Amerindians voted PPP. In Regions 1, 7, 8 and 9 52% of the vote went to the PPP in 2011.
carib bai:
* This is what we know about the 2011 election:
342, 236: total number of people who voted.
166, 340: People who voted PPP = 48.6%
139,678: People who voted PNC = 40.8%
35,333: People who voted AFC = 10.3%
Of the 342,236 voters in the 2011 election:
42% were East Indians
32% were Blacks
18% were Mixed
8% were Amerindians
* If you accept the above ethnic breakdown of the 342236 voters as reasonable----then simple arithmetic reveals that for the PPP to get 48.6% of the votes----this is a likely breakdown of the votes they received by ethnicity:
83% East Indians likely voted for the PPP
70% Amerindians likely voted for the PPP
27% Mixed likely voted for the PPP
10% Blacks voted for the PPP.
* Now carib, if let's say you disagree with the 70% Amerindian figure---let's say you believe it's more like 60%----then since we know the PPP received 48.6% of the votes----if we lower the PPP Amerindian votes to 60%---we have to increase the percentage of the other ethnic groups.
* The PPP received support from all the ethnic groups on their way to 48.6%----and with a 3% increase in East Indians votes in 2015----the PPP is guaranteed a majority.