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Originally Posted by Rev:

* The PPP received support from all the ethnic groups on their way to 48.6%----and with a 3% increase in East Indians votes in 2015----the PPP is guaranteed a majority.



If we use 47% of the voters as Indian and 5% of the voters as Amerindian, that was where the PPP won votes.  Almost none from blacks, and few from mixed voters, and this is very obvious in who shows up at your PPP meetings.


There are no more Amerindian votes to get.  Those Amerindians who didn't vote last time didn't because they didn't care about coast land politics. If some vote this time it will be against the incumbent party.


There is disaffection among rice farmers as they have long complained to the PPP about their problems, and were ignored.  Granger has spoken to them so they know he isn't the monster you all project him to be.  So many might not vote.


Did you ever think that the racial panic vote is one that the PPP always gets, and that those Indians who didn't vote PPP last time, aren't impressed by racial screams.  They knew full well that a Nagamootoo vote increased the possibility that the PNC would do better.  Maybe they will not vote this time.
