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Originally Posted by simple:

As i stated Indians will not want to join the GDF. A new service has to be started. That's how change will come about. We want to help the country. You are too old to understand that new thinking has to come into play.

Young man, for your information, the 1961-64 PPP government had established a Special Services Unit [SSU] because the British Guiana Volunteer Force [BGVF] was overwhelmingly Afro.

The PPP encouraged Indos countrywide to join the SSU. A few young men from my neighbourhood joined up but only one stayed until Burnham combined the SSU and the BGVF to form the GDF.

After 1992 the PPP had ample time and appropriate power to balance the GDF but failed. I will not blame the PPP here; not their fault. You can take a horse to the water but you cannot force the horse to drink that water.

The blunt truth is that most young Indo-Guyanese don't see an opportunity to make money in the army. There is a money-making obsession among many Indos.

The other blunt truth is that some Indos don't relish the idea of communal garrison mingling with Afros; sleeping and bathing and eating together. The next blunt truth is that while some Indos don't mind killing themselves with gramaxone and a piece of rope, they dread the thought of being killed in a military firefight.

Brave non-racial Indo soldiers like Shaitaan are an endangered specie.

