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Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Where is national service?



* Didn't the PPP abolish National Service when they took over in 1992 and proclaimed that as long as they were in power Guyanese daughters would never again be raped and violated like they were at Kimbia.


* Of course the DIRTY INDIANS are longing to send their daughters to national service and are therefore rooting for the PNC to win.


* No genuine or authentic East Indian would ever send their daughter to National Service.


* Now that Dirty Moses is a PNC thug he wholeheartedly approves of national Service. What an evil monster. Hope karma deals with him swiftly.





There is nothing wrong with national service. Every western nation has some form of national service where an individual can commit to serve their community or even others overseas.


As for your vile habit of pretending you can determine who is dirty or clean while you are defending and  patronizing a most corrupt and despicable regime, that is its own unique form of ignorance. You fool no one. You are transparently disgusting and unfit for the company of good people.

