We, as overseas Guyanese can write all the the Ms. Cleo's articles we want. Most of the Guyanese on this BB will not vote in Guyana. Some of us can just sit and laugh at their postings, especially the Buckman Sakawinki Parrot boy. The Guyanese in Guyana will tell us who will win this election. Let's sit back and wait.
Skelly Bhai:
* It's a done deal. We already know the results of the May 11th election. 50+1% of the Guyanese electorate will re-elect the PPP.
* The DIRTY INDIANS can pontificate and sermonize all they want about being ashamed of the PPP and wanting to see the PNC bring unity to Guyana, but come May 11th those wretched scoundrels and their beloved PNC will be soundly rejected by the voters in Guyana.
Rev you fellow PPPite says Indians are 42% of the votes. Given that 10% of them are "dirty" and that the PPP is a "coolie party" I don't see why you are this happy.
NACTA says blacks aren't splitting but Indians are.