* Stormborn is a TALKER and a so-so WRITER---the man can squeal and blabber morning, noon and night.
Then he goes riding his bike when his mouth gets tired.
* TALKERS like Stormy will always be impressed with academics and institutions of higher learning----Listen! there are some good work being done in these institutions---but for the most part, academics produce mostly useless nonsense.
* Guyana's politics will always be intriguing----there's always something to chatter about.
* But when all is said and done, the PPP will rule Guyana for generations to come.
For the most part every thing you touch and feel has improved your life came from academia. It is a thought experiment that give you the electrons lighting up your screen. Proposing nonsensical propositions is what fools like you do try to forward a biased agenda. But the world is not stupid. You would know that if your mind was not so programmed for dispensing baloney.
You also have to be an idiot if you think one half of the population will accept the status of dalits for generations just because the PPP says so. Sorry, that is also wishful thinking. Most thinking people would contemplate means to jack these crooks up.
When disputes cannot be resolved by clarification of meaning or of facts, then it option of last resort is war. Yes. I would argue to fight those creeps if we are go have Beri Beri or Ramotar, and Iffram and Priya as our "leaders" for generations. It is about bringing justice to a system and the reasons for living are good enough reasons for dying. The PPP as it exists as multi generational office holders can never be our fate.