I took a magnifying glass and I cannot see Dirty Indians there.
The PNC and their few Dirty Indians peak at 40 Percent.
They can daydream all they want, but Guyanese will elect a Civilized PPP. Guyana will never vote for a racist, dirty and Uncivilized PNC.
PNC crabdawgs cannot even run a cakeshop and they want to run a country.
PPP will win a comfortable 53 Percent much to the disappointment of PNC and their Dirty Indians.
yuji Bhai:
* Unlike the Rev you have a 100% record in your election predictions. I recall you were a fervent and zealous supporter of America's first black president, Barack Hussein Obama.
Glad to know you are 100% confident in a PPP victory.
* Anyway yuji, you are dead right. The evil and depraved PNC must never rule Guyana again.
* The dirtiest of the DIRTY INDIANS, Moses Nagamootoo, is trying his utmost to help elect his beloved PNC, but that wicked megalomaniac is guaranteed to fail.
* Come May 11th, (50+1)% of the Guyanese people will re-elect the PPP.