Revie... if you call that fired up, I man don't want to see what you would call bored and uninterested. When propaganda start to tell blatant eyes it's a sign of desperation.
* Actually, in that particular photo, the genuine and authentic East Indians were bewitched and captivated by their leader.
* Look at that photo again anta---you can see with your own eyes how enchanted and mesmerized those beautiful East Indians were.
* Thank you Lord Shiva and Mother Laxshmi for the Persauds and Singhs and Balgobins and Ramsundars, and Ali's and Khans, etc, etc of Guyana.hahahaha
Hahaha...y'all dont have the numbers anymore. Y'all must pay the price for failing to securing the people in 1992. Good Riddance!
Nice one TK. These PPP swines and pork eaters got their pork chops cooked because they were too greedy and too focused on the tiefing and not paying attention to the needs of the people.
TIME UP Ramutar and Jagdeo.