The blunt truth is that most young Indo-Guyanese don't see an opportunity to make money in the army. There is a money-making obsession among many Indos.
* You are 100% correct! East Indian men would prefer to cut cane or sell sweetie rather than join the military where they earn peanuts.
* Afros have a more appropriate mindset for military service than Indos.
You clearly never visited "Bharat" and met dem military guys over there. My uncles were very active in the police in the 60's but were shut out of becoming part of the GDF. LFSB told them they will rot in the police ranks as they were Jagan's militants.
Now, coming to what the military today offers, many young Indian don't see the end game with the military. They want more and opt out, sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. By the time it does not work for them, it's too late. The military should offer programs which provide valuable employable skills for anyone who leaves after a certain tenure. In addition, other social benefits should accrue which makes a stint in the military more appealing.
You are being dishonest here.
The Deputy Chief of Staff in the GDF is an East Indian.