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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

How do you figure that out.   YOUR numbers indicate that 73% of mixed Guyanese and 95% of blacks reject the PPP.



* The PPP recognizes that the percentage of MIXED races in Guyana is growing strongly.


* In 2011 only 27% of MIXED races voted for the PPP, but the party feels it can make some inroads and attract an additional 10% over the next 5 years--that would bring the support of MIXED races for the PPP to 37%.


* By the way, Ramotar needs to get rid of some of the deadbeats in his cabinet and in parliament. It would be wise for him to start appointing some MIXED breed.



The problem with the PPP is that they think that they can sit down in a room and that people are foolish and will bend to their wishes.  I remember the same babble last election.


Results in and blacks and mixed voters soundly rejected the PPP.


Ramotar could have gotten rid of the dead beats BEFORE the election but didn't.  He could have run Guyana in a more ethnically inclusive manner, but elected not to.



Note to you.  Most mixed people are close to their black families, so you will not get them unless you get blacks.
