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Ryan is a lying hypocrite.


1.  He screams about Obama's bailout yet took money.  He screams about deficits, yet supported an unfunded war and other budget busting maneuvers by Bush.  Ryan doesnt care one fig about the deficit.  He just doesnt see why middle class and the poor ought to receive any benefits.


2. Obama in his first year operated under the Bush budget which meant the same deficits that he has because of the bailout.  The subsequent deficits have been largey due to reduced income tax collection.  If the Feds only spend $500B on discretionary expenditures (everything other than Medicare/medicaid, sociual security, defense and debt service) then how is Obama's wil expenditures to blame?  The subsidies under Obamacare arent effeectrive until the mandates become effective.


3.  Income tax as a % of GDP and Fed govt revenue is the lowest that its ever been so the notion that high taxes are crimping the economy is as sumptious as what cows drop from their rear ends.


4.  Ryan himself plans to take $700B from Medicare, and unlike Obama wants it out of Traditional Medicare which will cut benefits for seniors.  Obama was going to take it from the Medicare Advantage, which would force seniors to but medigap plans, or fund that % of what traditional medicare doesnt cover out of pocket.


So how is Obama destroying Medicare and Ryan not.


5.  Why doesnt Ryan tell us how he plans to clse the deficit.  He will increase defense, even if he shuts down every govt agency aside from Defense he will still have deficits of $700B, and clearly he cant do that.


He is fashioning a lie that massive amounts are spent on welfare.  Well medicare and socials ecurity arent welfare.  Large chunks of Medicaid goes towards taking care of the indigent elderly and special needs children.


So where are these cuts coming from?


Rev Al, so blinded by his hatred of nblacks doesnt want to know.



And by the way not only will the GOP prevent your daughters from having an abortuiion if raped, or using birth control against unwanted, but they will pass gun laws that will allow large caliber assault weapons to be obtained almost w.o restriction.  Now imagine if that guy at the Empire State Building had this how many would have died?


This group are a scary bunch, so scary that even moderate GOP like the former gov of FL CHriste, are fleeing, or shivering.


The most frightful aspect of this is Romney is being forced further right than his instincts indicate, this accounting for his shifting positions that he had as governor.  The rioght wing loonies led by Ryan will force him to do things that are against his will.


The GOP need to be slapped into submission until the become a ;prty of moderate Republicans.  Then they will deserve to be considered.
