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Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Some of us are wondering how can the Republicans cut taxes and reduce the national debt at the same time.


Romney wants to cut takes 20% across the board plus a 10% cut in corporate income tax. He says this would put more money in people's pocket---they would spend more.


Romney also talked about eliminating loopholes and deductions.


He expects from his tax cuts:


* stronger economic growth


* Broadening the base of taxpayers.



Most important of all---Romney intends to reduce govt spending to 20% of GDP----right now it's over 25%




Romney has a plan for getting this country back on track---it is by no means perfect----he might be engaging in some wishful thinking---but Hussein has no plan---he hasn't even passed a budget in his 4 years.


Thankfully the white folks have come to their senses----they now realize that the muslim born black marxist Odinga Hussein Obambi is a trickester who wants to destroy their country.


Come November it will be GOOD RIDDANCE HUSSEIN!







Romney has a plan for sure.  The issue is that he hasnt told you.  The GOP have told their campaigners not to discuss it.


Incomes taxes are not hiogher than they were under Bush, and under OBama 98% of the population will not see any increase. 


Indeed income taxes much lower than in the booming Clinton and Reagan years.  So why were those years booming and the Bush era ended as such a bust?


So why arent people rushing out to spend?


And when he says "broadening the tax base"  he is saying that he wil cut taxes for billionaires while forcing poor people to pay income tax.  He is saying that 401(k) and mortgage interest deductions will be disallowed forcing the middle class to pay MORE income taxes.  Further he is saying that the middle class will have ti pay taxes on any amount that their employer contributes towards their health insurance.


So the rich will pay less and the middle class will pay MORE.  That is how Romney/Ryan plan to fill the deficit....that plus chopping medicare/medicaid/social security, programs much needed by the poor and the middle class.


You are a slave who is enraged that you dont have an owner.
