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Originally Posted by Rev Al:



OK Folks!


How many of you saw Paul Ryan's speech at the Republican National Convention last night ? The election is over folks! Paul Ryan eviscerated the Obama presidency. He delivered his attacks on Obama with lethal precision.


Ryan's line about "college graduates in their 20s staring up at fading posters of Obama in their childhood bedrooms"---that was Reaganesque.


What we saw in Ryan last night was sincerity and authenticity---he delivered hard facts with passion, conviction, knowledge, and heart---the man was Reaganesque.


Obama is a gutter politician---a fake, phony fraud---the biggest trickster America has ever seen. Paul Ryan delivered a fatal blow to the Obama presidency last night.



You saw stage craft and lies which the press is having a field day with today in all the major papers and which is cannon fodder for Democratic message makers.


The news cycle over the next week will simply be them doing damage control when they need to build a constituency base based on some tangible difference.


Instead they have the same useless swill as you have in your last sentence which does not build support. That merely make bigots and liars happy.


It is why the PPP, for example, is losing the battle for credibility in Guyana. They depend too much on slight of hand deceptive tricks and dissimulation over substance and fact.


Believers think it is manna from heaven, dissenters are fortified in their dissent and independents become revolted by its insincerity, lack of substance and outright lies.
