Al-satian.......the only thing people would be on their knees praying for is a return of the brains you lost.
Remember what I said about Chicago - it is to politics what Italians are to the Mafia. Don't mess with the pros in Chicago. As soon as Ryan was announced, they pulled out the attack sheet and got that Todd Atkin idiot to spew his rape and abortion bile. Then Axelrod and Plouffe jumped to connect his co-sponsor Ryan with his "forcible" rape jive. Ryan stutered Romney-like on his taxes and Bain Capital. The Swift-boating of Ryan was on, baby! Ryan was reminded that his hero Ayn (phonetically rhyming with swine) Rand hated people who limited individual choice in abortion. The rout was on. Look at Ryan imitate the Romney moon-walk. The polls show that their pile-on ads misrepresenting Obama's medicare approach is back-firing. All those millions of dollars are like the 9th glass of water - you get diminishing returns.