Al-satian.......the only thing people would be on their knees praying for is a return of the brains you lost.
Remember what I said about Chicago - it is to politics what Italians are to the Mafia. Don't mess with the pros in Chicago.
This too might backfire. While they are wallowing in muck there are real things about the GOP agenda that are not being talked about.
How many Americans who do not watch MSNBC and CNN know that Ryan plans to "balance" the budget by removing tax dductions most used by the middle class, mortgage interest and retirement plan contributions?
How many know that Ryan's vouchers buy them nothing, at an age when they will have nothing?...........................
Romney is outraising Obama and this doesnt include Super PAC money. So Obama has to make the best use of the sound bites he gets on CNN. Demanding Romney's tax returns is a poor use of time, given that most people have no respect for any politician so might think that Obama is as corrupt as the next man.
The most ardent GOP supporters are bible trumpeters from the poverty belt in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama and Tennessee. They vote against their interest not because have a coherent philosophy but because of the idea that they are other than the backward others ( blacks and non western European immigrants).
Conservatism is often used as a euphemism for a fictive elite claiming to represent family, god and the American way ( whatever that is). Trickle down economics has ever had a successful run in reality despite what supply siders and their graphs touting it say. It keeps these people poor but they do not care.
Most people would prefer to blame Obama for the unemployment ( dispute 8 years of decline under Bush and a reversal under Obama) the deficit and the debt and conclude he us "un American" because they exist in that confused ether where it is preferable to believe lies than accept their faith is false.
Conservatives have never balanced a budged or run up a surplus. Every social advantages enjoyed from minimum wage, social security, the welfare safety net, medicare, environmental safety, workplace safety even safer cars etc were rejected by these people.
Indeed, immigrants like Al with a falsew sense of class is to be pitied. Had it been for conservatives he would still be mucking out goobar in Gy Worse, he mimics them not realizing it is a self hating exercise since it is anti his location in a real culture. He is the fool sipping Port and munching on crackers and brie while wishing he had rotie and aloo and a satisfying cup of chi.