The frustration is very evident in America.
So here is what you want. George Bush landed this countrry in what would have been the second Great Depression within a century. Obama was asble to transform this into a slow growing economy.
Now you want Romney/Ryan to do the samethings that Bush did, and they will be even more aggressive at this. I guess you thought that we were in a good place in Oct 2008.
Think of us. In 2000 Clinton left us with a strong economy, and a budget SURPLUS. Bush left us with a financial sector which was collapsing and threatened to destroy the entire world and as a result massive bailouts were needed to rescue that sector and to jump start the economy which in 2008 saw a complete implosion of consumer expenditures and private sector investment. Bush left us with an unfunded war and tax cuts which failed to generate sustainable economic growth and as a result we ended up with record deficits.
I am willing to bet that the only think you have againt Obama is that he is a half white man. Slaves like you like them 100% white.