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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


The frustration is very evident in America.

So here is what you want.  George Bush landed this countrry in what would have been the second Great Depression within a century.  Obama was asble to transform this into a slow growing economy.


Now you want Romney/Ryan to do the samethings that Bush did, and they will be even more aggressive at this.  I guess you thought that we were in a good place in Oct 2008.


Think of us.  In 2000 Clinton left us with a strong economy, and a budget SURPLUS.  Bush left us with a financial sector which was collapsing and threatened to destroy the entire world and as a result massive bailouts were needed to rescue that sector and to jump start the economy which in 2008 saw a complete implosion of consumer expenditures and private sector investment.  Bush left us with an unfunded war and tax cuts which failed to generate sustainable economic growth and as a result we ended up with record deficits.



I am willing to bet that the only think you have againt Obama is that he is a half white man.  Slaves like you like them 100% white.



Carib Dunce,


Take a trip to Schenectady, New York and you will see African Americans living in poverty beyond any person's wildest imagination. What has Obama done for them lately ?


You remind me of the Burnham dictatorship era where Afro Guyanese remained silent while Guyana became the most impoverished nation in the world.


This election is about electing a "President" who will lift America out of poverty, and economic decline. Obama has been the worst president so far. The desperation of youths in places like Schenectady is hard to fathom. 


Take a trip from your subsidised housing and take a bus to Schenectady, New York and see the effects of the Obama presidency on Afro Americans for yourself before attacking anyone who speaks out against a president with a horrible record.


Stop blaming Bush, Obama had his term and made a zero impression. 


Romney is a real saviour and we pray for his victory. 

Most assuredly they were living in poverty under George Bush.



You cannot tell us one reason why Romeny will be better except that you consider Obama to be a black man so that automatically means he is worse.  You even rant that blacks destroy countries, ignoring the fact that Indians have been forced to flee to little islands with black govts, leaving your Indian run country.


Its amzing that your bigotry and hatred of blacks is considered free speach on this PPP website.


No wonder the PPP will never get suport from blacks as for them to like a party so open in its hatred of them is suicide.  This site and its policies about which threads it closes and which it doesnt and its excuses for that is highly informative.


Your hate for people of Indian origin shines brightly. Where did I post hate ?

You racist pig.
