You a vicious nasty racist brown man will have to eat humble pie. This is his country as it is any white or blue folk.
White blue collar Americans now know that Hussein is anti-business, anti-capitalist, anti-markets---Hussein is opposed to everything that made America a great country.
Darkies in America---blacks, muslims, Guyanese, etc, etc will vote overwhelmingly for Hussein in November, but thankfully blue collar white will turn on him and rescue America.
I am sure you are believing your personal right wing fantasy but Romney is not winning the redneck bible belt vote en mass this time for the republicans.
Muslims on the site ought to be offended by your assumption their religion is evil. You are obviously a seriously disturbed racist and religious bigot as well.
You are in fact the repugnant vestiges of this nation. The fact that you are from our country makes you more a worm.