Welcome back! Seems you only post under Rev Al when the republicans have good news. What happens when the news is not so rosy? Is it then you post under the different aliases like Conscience?
You are free to check with the esteemed admin of this site, Mr. amral. He will inform you that the Rev does not use multiple handles.
This country needs to get back on the right track---and the 2 white boys---Romney and Ryan are eminently qualified to get the job done---the black guy turned out to be an abysmal failure.
His rape remarks disgraceful, insensitive, and ignorant.
Ryan is a tea party poster boy with out of the mainstream slant. He has to downplay most of his political stances because it is clearly a deadweight to his candidate. Ryan tabled a bill in congress no different in language than used by Akin. And that black guy will be seen for what he is come November, a bit of basic Americana vs the looney fringe like you are.