What makes Obama a fake, phony, fraud president?
America will know the real truth about this trickster after he is kicked out of the white house in November.
Hussein aka Barry Soetoro did not seal his Columbia Uni transcripts because he was ashamed of his poor grades---he sealed his transcript because it would have revealed that he was accepted into Columbia from Occidental college as a foreign exchange student---Barry Soetoro---that was Hussein's Indonesian name.
Hussein will lose in November----WILL HE LOSE BY A LANDSLIDE ?
He was top of his class at Harvard and on the Law review so he could not have done bad. But you folks only believe your own story line, however grotesquely made up it is. Here you are, probably a state school grad, and still wanting to pull intellectual rank on the President. You are reaching farther than even a ladder can take you.
Wishful thinking won't make him lose. He has more paths to victory than Romney who has basically a fork that includes PA, Florida and Ohio all together and he will not make all three of those. He will lose two of the three.