I am convinced you are a nutcase. You are not worth interfacing with. Have a nice day.
I see you have chosen to run away. I guess you can't handle the truth.
Mitt Romney is dead right Stormy---becoming energy indepemndent and exporting energy would put America on the path to prosperity again.
Obama wants food stamps for Americans; Romney wants jobs for Americans.
I sometimes read craigslist rant and raves and wondered what kind of vile hole some of those people came out of. You apparently discovered that hole or is a resident yourself. One does not deal with nutcases. You are here on a racist rant, an anti Muslim rant and making a number of mind numbing idiotic allegations that even Henry and his whole crew of Larouchites cannot hope to compete with. And they are way off the loop somewhere beyond reason. I may have to be kinder to Henry because compared to you he is mild and temperate. You are simply by nature amoral and vile.