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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:


You sound like a true PNCite.  It takes a lot of effort to do as bad as Obama on the economy.  A Romney president will see massive investment, money moving off the sidelines, opening of credit and a surge in growth and employment due to pent-up demand.  Obama's failure to move to the center is his own albatros.  However, some new tax steam from the upper income group IS in order.  Romney will see to it.

Romney wants to CUT taxes for the wealthiest even below where Bush had it.  He wants to reduce the regulation of the financial sector, even though this lack of regulation is what landed us in a situation where the entire sector almost collapsed in Sept 2008 and only billions of dollars in bailouts saved this.


So where will all this investment come from?  There is no demand in the economy.

Oh, now you are an Obama supporter?  I thought just the other day you claimed he did nothing for Blacks.

Where did I say that Obama did any thing for blacks.


The point is that he is the lesser of two evils.  Bush destroyed the country and Romney/Ryan are a Bush remake on steriods.


If you like where the entire world was in September/Oct 2008 vote Romney/Ryan.


I can assure you that as bad as we are now we are much better off than then.  Just look at the stock market and the fact that we have had no major bank collapses since then and the auto industry is back on its feet.

Yea, we know, just like how you were stuck with the lessor of two evils in Guyana, Burnham or Jagan.  Caribj, you can find any reason to justify your racism, does not make it anything different.


Have you ever heard of a "dead cat bounce".
