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Originally Posted by baseman:


"One path is to starve the beast, that is, shrink the entitlement society; lower taxes to all irrespective to the needs of balancing the budget; increase a military budget that's screaming obesity; and remove all regulatory compliance to ensure a healthy capitalism".


Military spending pay large dividends to the rest of society in terms of R&D and technical development.  The US military has always been the incubator on front-end technology, including the very internet which has transformed our world.  Too much regulations have saddled business with enormous burdens and setting the stages for the larger to do well.  Small businesses are struggling to gain traction due to this and is hurting the overall economy.  We need to get back to the roots, reduce leftist influences and return to pragmatic capitalism.


The problem in the US, too many theoreticians who never ran a cakeshop running the show.  They can make good speeches, write great thesis and academic dissertations but hardly know how to get things moving. What the US needs is people who know how to get tangible things done, not those who only know to horse-trade in the halls or power.  We need to move away from community-organized social welfare setting to a more business organized entrepreneur setting.

You started off well and then quickly reverted to the stilted racist code talk and stupefying sloganism of republicans.


The deregulation of the markets got us to this place. There the crooks were spinning derivatives out of  air and bundling even their talk of these and selling it to the ignorant Chinese as their retirement funds. Lack of regulation means we cannot unravel these schemes so almost 3 trillion was milked by the rich from the middle class in the past administration. The idea that holding people to standards is always good.


And what the hell is pragmatic capitalism...some form of Ayn Rand dystopia where the rich do as they please and naked self interest being the motivation? Even Hayek in his seminal capitalist tome " The Road to Serfdom" advised the mediating role of social consciousness and a need to lift the weak. The bloody country was build on that puritanical notion of being ones brothers keeper as John Locke noted  "  we know God hath not left one man so to the mercy of another, that he may starve him if he please..." You take Ayn Rand pulp and shove it. We are obliged to a golden mean where nothing goes unchecked. Madison also expressed what this is in the new america in federalist 10 and Federalist 51. It is a core belief of americana and not this new mantra of naked laissez faire economics proposed by tea bagger republicans.


This crapola about speech writing and social welfare etc is your jaundice racist affinity for republican snot. Romney was almost last among states for job creation, give us a template for Obama's health plan, left office with an increased deficit after of course increasing taxes and his experience has been in pillaging company with little to show for that.

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