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Originally Posted by alena06:

Obama is a bright young man, but being President is too much for him to handle.  I voted for him last elections but not this time around.  He has done nothing to grow the economy, he promised to leave Afghanistan and we are still sending more troops there today...the stock market sucks, many small businesses are failing, the Financial companies are failing one after the other...unemployment rates are high and folks are so stressed with financial burdens they are turning to guns and mass shooting.


I predict a very close race in November!!



being President is too much for him to handle........????????

Show how. That way I will not think you are being religious here without an analysis comparing Obama with other Presidents of the USA to show why it's too much for him to handle.


he promised to leave Afghanistan and we are still sending more troops there today

Show us when he said he will pull the troops out of Afghanistan. Also critique the surge in troops with a timetable to bring them home. This way I know you're being informed when you make such conclusions about Afghasnistan and US troops.

the stock market sucks

Please show what the Dow Jones ended at yesterday and what it was when Obama took office. Also for good measure show us net incomes of all the companies listed on the NYSE, Nasdaq and S&P. This way we will know that you fully understand market data.

the Financial companies are failing one after the other

Please list the ones that failed in the last month. That way I know you're keeping up with market news and not just saying things for saying sake or providing us with false impressions.
