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Originally Posted by baseman:


"Too much regulations have saddled business with enormous burdens and setting the stages for the larger to do well.  Small businesses are struggling to gain traction due to this and is hurting the overall economy.  We need to get back to the roots, reduce leftist influences and return to pragmatic capitalism.



Regulations like what?  Small businesses have problems because consumer demand is weak and credit is hard to get.  Imagine had the financial system completely collapsed as it wa sgoing to under Bush where they would be.  I have clients and they arent complaining about regulations.  they are complaining about canceled lines of credit and a slow economy.


Now I happen to agree that Obama should have focused on the economy and had heated arguments with Kari last year but I am unimpressed by Romney/Ryan who are operating on the notion that if Bush had certain policies that almost destroyed the globacl economy, then we need to implement these SAME programs and think we will end up in a better place.


Want to see which president in recent times had a healthy economy. CLINTON.  We had record employment levels, he had almost solved the funding for Social Security, and the Feds had a budget surplus, and our international prestige had reached records highs.


8 years of Bush and all of that was destroyed.


You need to stop babbling what the GOP tell you and start thinking for yourself.


It is dishonest to blame Obama for the state of affairs as when he took over the financial sector wa sin crisis, the real estate sector was in melt down and we were losing 700k jobs a month.


Has Obama done as good a job as he could of on the economy/  Of course not.  But we are yet to hear what Romney/Ryan plan to do as gioving us Bush on steriods will land us in a even WORSE situation as we were in on Sept 2008 when every man jack thought that the Great Depression had come back again.
