One path is to starve the beast, that is, shrink the entitlement society; lower taxes to all irrespective to the needs of balancing the budget; increase a military budget that's screaming obesity; and remove all regulatory compliance to ensure a healthy capitalism.
What these comedians do not understand is that the USA has reached a cross roads. This is not merely about whether Obama did as much as could have done. I have argued with you on mnay ocassions about his cavalier attitud to the economy in his first two years.
Only $500B out of a budget of $3.6T is discretionary. The GOP wil not shrink defense and will have to service debt.
So they will have to shrink medicare and social security. YEs that 7.5% or 15% if self employed that all of us pay to ensure a stipend and access to health care as we become too old to work. This is NOT welfare if we make a contribution to it.
The welfare that basmena babbales about is almost non existent, except for medicaid, and much of that is used to care for those who lack acces sto health insurance and for long term care for the aged.
This is about what kind of USA will we have. Will we have a USA bwhere college becomes beyond reach for most Americans. Where the average midle class person will have to fully fund college fopr their kids, their retirement, post retirement healthcare, their health insurance, and yes their mortgages which wil be no lnger tax dductible. they cannot and all these MIDDE class folks who populate GNI need to understand that.
Let them be fooled by a certain racist or two, rumors have it who live in Canada and enjoy benefits that we lack.
Better the man who does nothing for you than the other one who sets out to destroy you.
And yes those of you who have daughters take note.
If Romney becomes president he will be able to nominate at least one, m,aybe two judges on the Supreme Court. If you want a nation where victims of rape cant get on abortion, where if a woman's health is compromised and her pregnancy not sustainable she cant get a mortgage. If a women wants to use birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancies she will have to go to Canada.
This guy Aiken let the cat out of the bag and the GOP are running from it, but when asked about why their platform repeats exactly what he says they cant answer.
You know for a people who wnat to shrink govt, the GOP really want the govt into peoples' personal space. Just now they will jail people who dont use the missionary position in bed and who want recreational sex.
So all you racists who are having heart palpitations because you hate Burnham and think that any head of state is equally bad just know that you are shooting yourselves in the foot. With one or two exceptions, almsot all of you will need Medicare unless you die young, and I suspect want to enjoy the benefits of that Soc Sec ddeduction from your paycheck.