Stormborn you are living in an unreal world. Obama deported over one million Mexicans. Many of them from California. He broke up many Mexican families. I can bet a Guyanese Banks beer than many Mexicans are guning for him in this next election. Many Mexicans will either vote for Romney or stay away from the polls. With Obama Mexicans have nothing to gain.
now you're merely doubling down just because . . . paddling resolutely into jackass land
You are the one that is in jackass land. Obama deported over one million Mexicans and that is not going to have an negative effect on the Mexican American population.
For example.
Landlord "Why you cannot pay your rent this month Carlos"
Carlos "Because Obama deported my brother Pablo back to Mexico
Pablo use to help me with half the rent. Now Obama sent him back to
Mexico in a Paddy wagon"
Landlord "Well sorry to hear. But get your stuff and get out"
there you have it . . . political 'analysis' for morons.
enjoy your sojourn in jackass land.
Tell 'rev' I said hi, and ask him if he look up de ting yet