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Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Americans were conned by a Burnham like leader who never delivered on his promises but was never short of offering any. He sold snake oil and charm but Americans have woken up from the magic jadoo spell.


Millions of unemployed, millions on food stamps, no atmosphere for encouraging new business, more hardship for existing businesses. Tax burden for those who are struggling and he talks as if all is well. 


Time for change. No more jadoo and snake oil. I feel sorry for the millions who voted for Obama and got katahar in return. 

Hello again yuji.



I agree that Obama made too many promises he couldn't keep. Name me one Politician who has kept all the promises they have made. That being said President Obama will be returned to the White House. Why? because the state of the economy and the debt are the real issues which President Obama has succeeded in keeping off the Mittey agenda so far. Mittey is an idiot, even his own Republicans are speaking out against him. 


Rev Bhai


I am on record here that I decided to support Obama after President Bill Clinton exposed Romney and crew. It was all about arithmetic and Bill gave us the straight goods .


Romney can no longer fool the public. I am man enough to admit that I was wrong. 


Fact is that Obama will win the election and you will be on the wrong side of history by supporting Romney. Romney is heartless and cruel.


Bill gave us the straight goods.


Yujji22, Clinton is leaving out his role in the economic/banking quagmire.  He is knee deep.
