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Originally Posted by baseman:
, it has roots the the Clinton doctrine.  Clinton and the Democrats know it very well and stay clear of the fact in any speech.  The US will only return to greatness under the GOP but unfortunately, I'm not sure the Romney-Ryan ticket is the answer.

Care to expand on this?  Yes the de-regulation of the banking sector did have its roots (PARTIALLY) in the Clinton era.  But Clinton and others have realized the error of their ways.



President Ryan how ever wishes us to plough even deeper into the cess pool of complete deregulation.



Now I  remain curious to see what exactly President Ryan plans to do.


1.  He wants to increase defense spending (why and with what objective, AlQaeda doesnt need sophiticated bombers).  How will he pay for it?


2.  he wants to cut taxes by $5 T.  How will he pay for it.


3.  he pretends that he wishes to close the budget deficit.  How will he do this?


4.  He screams that Obama is too soft?  What specific actions will he take in the Middle east.  Which new war does he plan?



Note that Americans do NOT want a war.  They do not want any redxuction in the core entitlement programs and they certainly do not want to lose their tax deductions for mortgage interest and pension plan contributions, nor do they want their employer paid health insurance to become taxable to them.



This is why President Ryan does not want to tell the USA what he plans to do.


Which is why he CANNOT be allowed to become President Ryan, nor his side kick Romney to become the Shadow President.
