Govt policy is the major force behind private enterprise job creation. What Romney was referring to is direct Govt jobs however, clarity, visibility etc regarding Govt policy has a major impact on the decisions of business and as such their willingness to hire.
That being said, I do believe the TEA party extremists have played a role in stifling the recovery. So, I don't fully blame Obama for the current situation.
The argument is that taxation is too high to stimulate job creation. Yet the past 4 years has seen a monumental amount of cash reserves being created and retained by corporations. Something like over 3 trillion. Now you know that cash generation/retention has a tax effect. Therefore corporations don't seem to worry about paying that corporate income tax on that cash flow.
The real culprit on jobs loss is the absense of the need for labor in the same way as it was during the Reagan and even the Clinton eras. That is not coming back. This lower labor demand is not affecting financial growth, however. We are richer now than we were during the Reagan or Clinton years to the poing that financial advisors refer to themselves as wealth managers instead as financial managers like they used to.
Bottom line; Romney is hapless. He said that he will get the pipeline built even if he has to build it himself. I doubt Romney ever had to use his hands to do anything in amassing his wealth. His private actions were more in pinkslipping workers than hiring them.