That black guy, that erudite keen thinking cutting edge smart man will be your president for the next four years. I am certain of that.
Obama will be president for another 4 years you say ? You are clearly as delusional as that pretender in the white house.
Listen Stormborn! 70 million Americans witnessed Romney beat that airhead Obama to a pulp.
The great American icon Clint Eastwood was sooooo right about Obama---he is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.
And what Romney did infront of 70 million Americans was to expose Obama as the unqualified, affirmative action farce he is. In a mano-a-mano presidential debate--there was no place for duncy Obama to hide his incompetence.
The only delusional person here is the one creating an imaginary Barack what is a Muslim and Kenyan and an idiot. Well, live in that world if you must.
What school did you go to that you can call one who served as the editor of the Harvard law review a dunce? That again is pretending you are smarter than you are.
There is nothing in that debate that made him a dunce. it was for all intents overly wonky and heady and maybe that why it went over the head of a simpleton as you.
The pretentious liar Romney may come off as aggressive but that is all. He end up with the lasting impression of a chronic flopper with imaginary plans.