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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 The only delusional person here is the one creating an imaginary Barack what is a Muslim and Kenyan and an idiot. Well, live in that world if you must.


What school did you go to that you can call one who served as the editor of  the Harvard law review a dunce? That again is pretending you are smarter than you are.


There is nothing in that debate that made him a dunce. it was for all intents overly wonky and heady and maybe that why it went over the head of a simpleton as you.


The pretentious liar Romney may come off as aggressive but that is all. He end up with the lasting impression of a chronic flopper with imaginary plans.

True, cuz he didn't say much.  Was like was Clint Eastwood empty chair.

 You probably did not listen. I can post a transcript to refresh your mind or fill in your lacking if you so desire. Pretending he said nothing and trying to illustrate that with what was a poor performance by all measure and even attested so by the actor himself does not make the point.
