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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:


Rev, half of the 47% are made up of Veterans and Elderly on SS and Medicare and they do support Romney.  According to IRS facts, the Southern and Mi-Western states have the largest "non-income tax payers", who are overwhelming Republicans.


Basemen is Rep at heart, but it's embarrassing, this is Sarah Palin all over again, but on different topics.

The irony is that the upper middle class whites are more likely to vote Obama, the lower middle class and the poor whites Romney.  College educated Obama, high school Romney.  North East with its high incomes, Obama, the South with its massive poverty Romney and with the poorest states (The Appalachians, Alabama and Mississippi) going most GOP.


Yet Romney squeals that its "lazy, govt dependent" people who support Obama.



Let Obama cut off social security, medicaid, medicare, unemployment, SSI, Veterans, tornado and flood assistance from FEMA,etc and watch all those redneck squeal MURDER....I expect them to yell "Niiigggggrrrr Muslem furriner, LEAVE MAH MONEY ALONE".  The idiots dont understand that Ryan/Romney will take all away.


You think those Yale grads who will vote Obama will care??????

It no secret I' no Obama fan and think he has failed the leadership test though he is connect to the reality of the people.  However, Romney seems out in right field regarding the reality of people.  I saw last night CNN John King admitted his mother being on Food Stamps when his father fell ill.  He said it was the only way to put food on the table.


True, there are those who make welfare a lifestyle but many are truly and genuinely in need of temporary assistance for whatever reason.  They are not irresponsible.  Half of this 47% "irresponsible" folks are veterans and SS recipients.  How can they be classified as "irresponsible"?


I will wait for sanity to return to the Republican Party.  They have been hijacked by the TEA nuts.
