Obama will cream Romney. Romney is tripping all over the place and by Wednesday night he will hope that the elections were over so he could give up his charade and return to his comfort zone.
he = (Da racist Rev)
Obama's best trait is his ability to talk and fool the people. He has been a disaster only mitigated by the killings of OBL and other terrorists leaders. Apart from this, there is little else to talk about thus the continued reference to it during the campaign.
Obama is an academic and community organizer who could get away with failure by blaming other politicians. Romney may not be the best orator/singer, but he has deliver results in his career. He could not get away with excuses.
And there lies the flaw in your and others' arguments. Even Romney admitted that government does not create jobs so why do you think that he will be different from all his predecessors abd even his own admission? The role of government is to provide a public service and especially security to its citizens and that is exactly what the president has done. You and all those who think like you do about the role of government (which has been around from the beginning of time) are competing only with yourselves.
Govt policy is the major force behind private enterprise job creation. What Romney was referring to is direct Govt jobs however, clarity, visibility etc regarding Govt policy has a major impact on the decisions of business and as such their willingness to hire.
That being said, I do believe the TEA party extremists have played a role in stifling the recovery. So, I don't fully blame Obama for the current situation.