His(Obama's) real problem is that he’s never been challenged in his entire life. He gets a standing ovation wherever he goes. He becomes president and gets the Nobel Peace Prize. He’s never been challenged. And Romney was spectacular. I noticed that many of my friends, during the primaries, whenever they’d see him give a speech, they’d say, “Wow. That was the best speech I’ve ever seen. If he’d just been talking like that since the beginning. …” And I’d say, “He has been! You’re not watching. Which is why I was totally confident that he’d be magnificent. And Mitt was really good last night. He’ll be good in all three debates, even the town hall debate, which I think is so stupid.
The fact that Obama didn’t prepare is like him not being prepared for the attack on our own consulate. He never prepares. He expects to walk out, be cool, and get a standing O.