Yep. Even Romney remembers how great the Clinton days were and the great shape that he left the USA before George Bush demolished this country leaving us a financial sector on the brink of collapse, an economy which shrunk by 10% in one year, the Great Depression II which looked like it could have made the Great Depression I look like a mild recession, and of course 750,000 lost PER MONTH!!!!!!
No wonder Bush has been hiding for 4 years and the GOP are ashamed to bring him out of hiding.
Now even God himself couldnt turn that fiasco in 4 years, much less a mere mortal, even though people like Kari THINK is a brown Jesus, or I guess Mohamed in his case.
Obama should outsource debating to Clinton as he did the most important address at the Democratic convention.
I mean if he cant squash a disgusting little fly like Romney..........