What the president did not do was perform or pander or take pot shots a the nonsense from Romney.
What the Obamamaniacs need to start doing is kicking their Jesus when he messes up.
Obama let Romney tell lies UNCHALLENGED.
Obama let Romney distort Obama's record UNCHALLENGED.
Obama let Romney openly not only contradict his earlier statements but also contradict those of HIS OWN party in Congress w/o openly stating his (Romney's) opposition to what Ryan and his buddies are up to.
The pity is that Romney also didnt debate well. With his blatant lies and his blaring contradictions he would have made himself an easy target were Obama alert.
How much better would the headlines the day after been that the GOP campaign disavows Romney's remarks and that he "misspoke" AGAIN!!!
Instead most Obama supporters are left wondering what went wrong, afraid about how Obama will perform in the next two debates (also there is the Biden "foot in mouth" factor), and terrified about why Obama has just left them to the GOP wolves to gobble up.
It is indeed a fact that the Obama support base is very heavily comprised of people who arent traditional voters, and who, if not excited, might not vote as was their normal behavior prior to 2008. And especially as this same group are suffering disproportionately from the continued weak job market.
Its not up to the undecided voters to guess whether Obama is fit for the job or not.'
It is up to Obama to prove it to them. This notion that Obama needs to arrive like The Messiah, and all must bow before him, and if they dont, something is wrong with them, needs to stop.
The GOP want to win and I wonder why this fact shocks so many Obama fans. Its up to Obama to prove that he is the better man and he didnt in that debate, even though Romney was a very easy target.