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Originally Posted by baseman:


The numbers are cooked. 

Examine your silly logic.  If the numbers are cooked why havent they reflected unemployment under 7% since January?


There is indeed a problem with how the laborforce is defined and indeed many "discouraged" workers are not at homw twiddling their thumbs now wishing to work.


But that has nothing to do with politics.


So content yourself with the fact that Clinton and Reagan who RAISED taxes as part of a response to budget deficits enjoyed the strongest labor markets over the past 30 years.


Bush who CUT taxes saw jobs disappearing at a rate of 700k per month as he left office.


So tell me Oh Wise One why will Romney succeed.  We have YET to get a strategy from him.  One day he says that cutting taxes for the "job creators" (which include old ladies and trust fund kids who live off investment income) will magically create 12 million jobs. 


Th next day he says that the ricj will pay the same amount in taxes and only the middle class will see reduced taxes...BY THE WAY OBAMA SAYS THE SAME THING!


It is fine to say that Obama is a disappointment and only pas attention to the economy when polls dictate that he ought to.  Finding health insurance and solar panels way more interesting topics.


But to pretend that Romney has the answer when


1.  He changes his plans every day and


2.  Tax cuts have already been a ;proven failure


