The democratic party has not and does not take black vote lightly.
Oh so what do they do to earn the black vote? I note that the Democrats are openly courting the (white) female vote, the gay vote, the young college white vote, the Hispanic vote.
They just happen to think that blacks will be loyal and will go vote for them as they always do. Apparently the lesson of 2010 was not forgotten.
Black politicians can do as they wish. What they think and what they do bores most black people.
And here are two bright ideas.
1. Obama could have done better than having the WHITEST administration since Ronald Reagan, thus signalling to the USA that there are many competent blacks. This wopuld reduce a major institutional barrier for blacks..the perception by white employers that few competent black professionals exist.
You know its a disgrace that when major decisions were being made by the George W administration blacks were in the room, what ever you might think of them. The only black who comes near to having this power under Obama was the Deputy AG under Clinton so owes his rise more to him than to Obama.
2. He could have agressively pursued an urban agenda. Given that every one is now moving to these areas it could not be seen as pandering to one group. But given that blacks are disproportionately in urban areas they clearly would benefit.
But you raise a point. Next time maybe blacks should NOT support a black candidate so when he ignores them they can actually draw attention to that fact. Surely Bill Clinton paid more attention to the black vote than Obama has since becoming President.