I warned you two years ago that Obama was playing with fire by not aggressively focusing on the economy.
You lack of knowledge on how the US economy works is quite evident. Which Congress or US President has not focused on the economy following the 2008 financial and housing collapse?
Anyone with the assertion of the President not aggressively focusing on the economy ignores the following:
- TARP to cleans the banking system and allow loans to be made to businesses and consumers. This is not White House a press release, go read it in the newspapers and stop being a Sarah Palin.
- A fiscal stimulus package that provided tax relief to Americans and States funding to provide unemployment insurance, thus ensuring that the drop-off in consumer spending will be mitigated somewhat. This is not White House a press release, go read it in the newspapers and stop being a Sarah Palin.
- Providing back-stop to the auto industry bankruptcy process and getting them back on their feet when private capital couldn't jump in or were disinclined to do. This is not White House a press release, go read it in the newspapers and stop being a Sarah Palin.
- Signing a trade agreement and providing tax incentive for export companies to guarantee one of Obama's 2008 election promise, which he has kept. This is not White House a press release, go read it in the newspapers and stop being a Sarah Palin.
- A proposal by the Administration to cut spending by $3 trillion over 10 years with $1 trillion in tax raises only on those making over $250,000 a year - the so-called balanced approach. This is not White House a press release, go read it in the newspapers and stop being a Sarah Palin.
You are a disenchanted Black man (yes I'll introduce your race here as part of my response) who thinks black unemployment at 15% or so is directly related to Obama turning his back on you. If you ain't, it's because you want to be contrarian to every single utterances of mine here.
Another WH press release and a personal insult. Kari you have nothing to say. Just admit it. I told you again that the debate will have repercussions for the undecided voters...but it now looks like even some of the decided for Obama are jumping ship.
I told you so. Two years ago.
Now go home and hope that the black turn out doesnt drop to what it normally is and ditto for the white youth vote (another devastated group). If indeed Romney is almost closing the white gender gap he can start selecting his cabinet. And then of course Hispanics who note that Obama has deported more people than both Bushes and Clinton combined.
As we speak they have Michelle running all over begging black people not to stay home. Word out is that many dont plan to vote.
And of course GOP inspired ID laws and undue scrutiny in places like FL will lead to long lines and it is indeed possible that many might decide to go to their jobs, which they risk losing, (blacks being the last hired, first fired, and this didnt change with our 50% white President), rather than spending all day to vote for a man who did nothing for them.
BTW you clearly dont own a small business because banks are NOT lending to them. But this is what you get for regurgitating WH press releases.
And many argue that the fiscal stimulus was not only too little, but too much of it was in tax cuts, which were too small for the average person to notice so they didnt spend it. Obama should have gotten on Harry Reid's butt and made him to perform.
What happened to the "shovel ready projects" which could have been funded by the Infrastructure Bank, with the bonds purchased by the Feds, therefore not a drain on the budget? Both Obama ideas which he walked away from. As soon as his auto bailout began to work, Obama yawned, said fixing this economy is such a bore and walked away. I warned you about this two years ago and now the Pew poll has shown that the gendergap is closing.
Kari and the other Obama dreamers are trying their level best to fill up that empty chair.