I see Crib continues to be Romney-esque in the use of "Kari" as a bogeyman.......
Kari make this out to be about caribj who doesnt live in a swing state so whose vote doesnt matter.
Typical behavior on forums is when one doesnt have an intelligent response one personalizes the argument, pretending as if the issue is only confined to the person who you disagree with.
Worry about the fact that Obama has lost the lead in NC and FL and is statistically tied with Romney in VA and even in OH, where a mere week ago he had an almost double digit lead.
Better hope all those blacks, who you malign by telling them to solve their own problems and leave Obama alone, and who Obama forgot about since 4 years ago dont forget about him next month. If they treat him as they treated Kerry....well you know what happened to Kerry even though by 2004 George Bush was an amazingly weak president.