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Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:


Kari and the other Obama dreamers are trying their level best to fill up that empty chair.

Ah see yuh tekkin a half wid de Crib man.

Kari its a pity that you cant see the difference between baseman who calls Romney a hero with Caribj he calls him a snake oil sales man who stands a good chance of becoming President because people like you have worshipped Obama.  You all refused to hold him to account when two years ago it became quite obvious that he forgot that a President is held responsible when unemployment is high, w/o regard to whether it was his fault or not. 


Had he made it his business to AGGRESSIVELY face this problem of a very slow receovery, going to the American people with his great eloquence, when the Party of NO blocked him, then even if the economy was no better than it is today at least people would have said that he tried. 


Instead Obama placated the GOP until suddenly he remembered that he had to campaign, then he began to whine about how they dont want him to succeed.  No where in the world will an opposition party cooperate, and one which is as ideologically different from him has no reason to. They want him to fail so they can peddle their own agenda.


Thanks to people like you Obama has developed a level of arrogance which makes him perform well only in front of adoring disciples, causes him to scorn any need for debate, resulted in him refusing to prepare for the debate and then ending up looking quite foolish.


Thanks to Clinton's excellent speech as well as other speeaches like Michelle;s Obama left the Convention with a bounce which Romney failed to get.  Obama's speech as quite tired, and it turns out to be a foprcecast for an even more dismal first debate.


Even his closest friends.......the ones who hold him accountable when he fails....not adoring disciples like you who constantly run to protect him as if he is some wayward little boy.....have roundly criticized him.


Let us hope that he has learnt his lesson.  That he understands that the under performance of the US economy puts him in a weak position..,.that Romney will do anything to win and that unless he does the same (by exposing Romney's lies and his inconsistent behavior) he will lose.


And if on November 6 Obama is giving his concession speech (if he loses FL, VA, and OH) and snake oil sales man Romney is preening like peacock it will be Obama and his disciples like you who are to blame.


You see Kari, in your need to worship this Diety, you cannot tell the difference between those who never liked him (Rev Al) and those who once did but now support Romney (baseman); from people who will vote Obama but feel that Obama should be kept accountable and slammed when he fails.


Thanks to this there is a real possibility that Obama will lose, when befored teh debate he had the election all but in his hands.
