Kari and the other Obama dreamers are trying their level best to fill up that empty chair.
Ah see yuh tekkin a half wid de Crib man.
Haha, don't worry bro, when this lil cutlass fight over with me and you and Romney in the WH, we gon goa hit a flattie.
Yes you ought to cogratulate Kari if Romney wins. After it people like him he caused Obama to become so swell headed that he felt that he did not have to listen to any one. He didnt prepare for his debate...he thought that the USA worships him so would never listen to Romney. So he realized too late and ended up looking like a deer about to be mowed down by a huge truck.
So now even OH is within Romney's grasp. If Obama cant win OH, which benefitted from his most successful plan...the auto bailout....then how can he win in my hostile states like NC,FL, and NV.
I thought we voted for people to provide effective leadership. not to fall in loove with them. Thanks to Kari and the other Obama cult worshippers Barack thinks so too, so thought that the debates were all BS and that he didnt have to prepare.